Sian-Kate Mooney
There is a subtle legacy in Sian-Kate Mooney's work that hints at her previous career as a fashion designer. This knowing understanding of fabric and a structural awareness of the body belie a more political and emotional relationship to ‘dress’ than with mere clothing design. Her sculpture is often based around body parts, legs and arms of human and other forms. Furniture and mannequins and animals are encapsulated in various material 'skins' in works that address complex human relationships and the visceral nature of sexuality.
Sian-Kate Mooney has exhibited at Super Deluxe Gallery Tokyo, Nanyang Academy of Fine Art Singapore, Annexe Gallery Malaysia, Susak Biennual Croatia, Studio 1.1 London, Sexy100 London, BigDeal London, Chinese Open London. Sian Mooney is Principal Lecturer at Bucks New University in England and lives in London.